Drawing Four:

driving my car off the road into nowhere

Notes -
i made another picture last night/this morning.
it didn't come out at all how i had planned...
and while i think it may qualify as a part of the "what the inside of my heart looks like" series,
it wasn't actually inspired by that thought
what happened was
i got into my car after filling it up with gas at a gas station the other night
when i stopped for the gas it was still light
when i came out after paying and got into my car and drove off
it had suddenly (or so it seemed to me)
become dark
and i felt like i had stepped into an alternate reality

quite a different feeling from the one that manifested in the picture...
partly i think because i am limited on my use of color since i only have about 20 crayons
partly because i tried a way to illustrate it that didn't turn out as i had planned
so the effect was entirely different
that being said
it is what it is and the only thing that all this means is that i will be doing another one
real soon
maybe even tonight at work if its not too busy
i go in today at 3:30 so i may not be able to do much drawing

i finally understand how it is that artists do painting after painting of the same thing
over and over
trying it on
getting it out
until finally its out...

anyway i love the way you comment on my work
here it is
i have my own ideas about it and am really curious to know what you see.

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